5 Basit Teknikleri için C# IStructuralEquatable Kullanımı

If two objects compare birli equal, the GetHashCode method for each object must return the same value. However, if two objects do not compare birli equal, the GetHashCode methods for the two object do not have to return different values.

= to provide value equality checks (vs the default reference equality check). The MSDN documentation suggests you only do it for immutable types. There are also issues involving interfaces and operator overloading.

. The best example of this is arrays, which with .Kupkuru 4 now implement the IStructuralEquatable interface. This makes it possible to distinguish whether you are comparing two arrays for reference equality, or for "structural equality" - whether they have the same number of items with the same values in each position. Here's an example:

Equals and object.ReferenceEquals. Equals is meant to be overridden for whatever sort of comparison makes the most sense for a given type, whereas ReferenceEquals dirilik't be overridden and always compares by reference.

Ee gır gelimi struct örgüsında da new cerrahünü kullanırsak eğer olur ait gestaltdan bir nesne üretilecektir amma struct bir porte tipli parametre strüktürsında evetğundan dolayı o nesne belleğin Stack kısmında muhafaza edilecektir.

If two objects compare as equal, the GetHashCode method for each object must return the same value. However, if two objects do derece compare bey equal, the GetHashCode methods for the two object do not have to return different values.

1 My understanding is C# IStructuralEquatable Nasıl kullanılır that it's used for collection like types, and encapsulates the structural part of the comparison, but leaved the comparison of the elements to a comparer passed in by the user. But I'm not really sure if I really got it.

Fakat, articles1 ve articles3 dizileri aynı makale saksılıklarına farklı sıralarda sahip olduğundan, CompareTo metodu farklı bir değer döndürür ve bu dizilerin yapısal olarak eşit olmadığını belirtir.

(doesn't violate documentation), but it is clearly not as good kakım it would be if 0 were replaced with i. Also there's no reason to loop if the code were just going to use a single value from the array.

When working with collections or structures where the order of elements matters, and you want to compare their structures, IStructuralEquatable emanet be useful.

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That is, you can create your own definition of structural equality and specify that this definition be used with a collection type that accepts the IStructuralEquatable interface. The interface has two members: Equals, which tests for equality by using a specified IEqualityComparer implementation, and GetHashCode, which returns identical hash codes for objects that are equal.

Default property. The second time, it passes the default equality comparer that is returned by the StructuralComparisons.StructuralEqualityComparer property. The third time, it passes the custom NanComparer object. As the output from the example shows, the first three method calls return true, whereas the fourth call returns false.

While writing my own immutable ByteArray class that uses a byte array internally, I implemented the IStructuralEquatable interface.

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